
Black Light Shines - Anna Ternheim


【清新民谣】Anna Ternheim - Black Light Shines

Anna Ternheim拥有沉静、偏冷色调、充满情绪的嗓音。听着她轻声吟唱,仿佛置身于北欧小镇,青葱、优雅、宁静,忍不住停下脚步。

Anna Ternheim,瑞典民谣女歌手,2004年发行首张专辑就夺得瑞典格莱美奖最佳新人奖,随后屡次入围最佳女艺人、最佳词曲唱作人等奖项。和Nick Drake等传奇民谣创作歌手一样,Anna的音乐简约,却以真实深刻的情感与思想深深打动听者。 

《Black Light Shines》

Black Light Shines - Anna Ternheim
Wake up in a haze

Light as a feather
Amazed by the white linen sheet
Placed over your head

Out of the steel bed

Out of the aches

Released from your head
Thinking kills us all in the end

Black light shines

Over your head on the wall

Black light shines

No name on your badge anymore

Black light shines

The 9th of July

A first last goodbye
Your face in the wind being 5 maybe 6
Without wings you fly

Out of the steel bed

Out of the aches

Released from your head
Thinking kills us all in the end

Black light shines

Over your head on the wall

Black light shines

No name on your badge anymore

Black light shines

Wake up in a haze

Light as a feather

Amazed by the white linen sheet
Placed over your head

Over your head on the wall

Get up on your feet and walk
Black light shines

Black light shines

Oh black light shines


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